Friday, July 9, 2010

Our little talker

So Shaun and Micah like to get into these yelling wars where they shout "Dada" and "Micah" back and forth. Micah usually starts by saying "Dada" at a normal toned voice, then it gradually gets louder and louder. This can last a good 5 minutes, which gives me time to sneak off and clean or take a shower. Here are a few other words M is saying:

Dada, meaning Dada
Dada - Mama
Mmmmo00mmmmm - Mommy I need something NOW!!!
Da - meaning ball
Do - Dog
Do - Deer
Du - Duke (the neighbors dog)
Woo Woo - Woof Woof
Uh oh - uh oh or mommy pick that up
Hi - Hi (in the girliest voice I have ever heard)
Go - Go (usually said the entire "Go Studio" song)
A du da a ga goo goo - something really serious he is trying to tell us

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