Monday, January 3, 2011

First day of school!

This morning I woke to the sound of my alarm clock at 5:30 AM. It was a very stange sound that I have not heard in the last few years. I must say, believe it or not, the sound of a crying baby is a much more pleasant sound. I left the house at 6:15, and when I stepped outside, it was still dark, which was another new experience for me.

I arrived at the school at 6:45, thinking it would take me longer to get there. At 7:15, the school bell rang and first period began with 13 excited, energized girls ready to dance and talk, talk TALK!!! First period is Drill Team, so I got to get to know the girls, see their dance style, and tell them what they are doing wrong. :) Just kidding, it is only the first day, tomorrow I will do that. Second period is Dance I. The Dance classes are for girls that do not want to take PE, and are not on the dance team. This class, again, was full of excited, energized TALKATIVE girls who were ready to dance. Unfortunately for these girls, it was just sit and review for their final next week. BORING!!! But part of the review was on the history of dance, and I got to talk all about Gussie Nell Davis and The Kilgore College Rangerettes! It was way more exciting for me than it was for the Dance I class. :)

Now I am sitting in my conference period missing Micah. Shaun dropped him off this morning at day care and said it was much harder than he thought it would be dropping him off. Micah just kinda held onto Shaun's pant leg and did not interact with the others. He was a big boy and did not let his daddy see him cry, but he was still very sad. Boy am I glad I do not have to drop him off. Having to be at work at 7AM is much better than having to see my little boy sad.

Please say a prayer for us! I am praying that God will wrap his arms around Micah and keep him safe and know that I will return, and that I can use this opportunity to shine a light on these girls that might be lost and do not know who their Savior is.

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