Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Great first day!

When I left you all yesterday, I was in my conference period thinking of my little man, Micah. The rest of my day went pretty smoothly, getting to meet more of my students and a few other teachers that are stuck in the back of the school where they keep it freezing cold. The current temperature of my classroom right now is 65, and will probably get to a high of 66 by the end of the day. As long as I keep moving, it's all good!
The best part of this job, other than teaching dance, is that I am done at 2:45!!! As I left the school, I was very anxious to pick up Micah, but chose to knock out a quick 3 mile run before I went to pick him up.
When I arrived at the day care. Micah was running around, discovering all the new things around him. As soon as he saw me, he started cutting his eyes and biting his lip to keep from crying. As he got closer to me, tears filled his eyes, which of course made me tear up a bit, and he gave me a big hug! Surprisingly, the teacher could not believe he had never been in day care before. Micah was the first to line up on the wall and sit down for learning time, and as soon as the matts were placed on the floor and the lights were out, he was cuddled up with Blue Bear saying, "night night!" He never once cried or threw a fit. Overall, he was in a great mood!
The day care gives us progress reports every day telling us what they learned, ate, how long they slept and their diaper changes. Micah learned the letter "I," the shape rectangle, the number 8, and the color brown. He slept 2 hours and ate all of his morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack, which they provide. He also colored me a picture of a green alligator, which is hanging proudly on the fridge!
I was so relieved to hear thay Micah had a great first day and I pray it continues!

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